Red Lotus Practitioners™
The amazing beings below have been personally trained and certified by Denise Linn as Red Lotus Mystery School graduates, and have learn how to use our very special form of coaching for the divine feminine energy, to lead ceremonies and hold wonderful and life changing groups and workshops to ignite that Divine Feminine energy with you.
Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioners have been trained in the ancient arts of using divine feminine energy for manifestation and ceremony. Our coaching methods allow you to tap into that goddess energy within for creation and receptivity. So many people are programmed to give and do, and not to be open to receive. Ceremony for life passages and being open to messages working with oracle cards are just a part of the services we offer.
We are as part of The Linn Academy of graduates and are listed on that site. You can visit our page there to find out how to connect with us!
Are you a Red Lotus Mystery School Practitioner?
Click here to find out how to be added to the practitioner list