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Red Lotus Mystery School

Discover the gift and majesty of being a woman

A Professional Certification Program

In this certification course you gain a profound understanding of what it means to be a woman.

Tap your power as a woman at the depth of your soul, and activate your passion, innate intuition, divine feminine nature and inner radiance. Discover ancient wisdom to become a magnificent embodiment of strength and grace—in other words, to become, even more, an empowered glorious woman.

Additionally, gain skills to lead others on their personal journey to fulfillment.

Denise Linn works in a gentle, kind, warm way that invites you to explore your inner realms.

“There is nothing so powerful as a woman who knows her worth and revels in the wild magic that glows within her.”

― Denise Linn

Here are just some of the subjects you will be learning about and be immersed in during your 7 magical days

with Denise Linn

Tracking the Unseen

  • Track the unseen and reach into inner Universes
  • Become a Chalice Carrier
  • Step into mysteries of the goddess
  • Learn little known Secrets of the Shamaness
  • Discover the goddess aligned to your personal frequency
  • Find your personal spirit animal and allies
  • Discover the invisible patterns that shape your life
  • Heal your spirit, awakening your passion
  • Dream your life into being: the mysterious realm of dreams
Womanly Enchantments and Spells

  • Sacred uses of water, flowers, and essential oils for enhancement
  • Cherishing and healing your body
  • Womanly art of altar making
  • Moon ceremonies
  • Crystal Sound Healing
  • Learn how to lead Life transition ceremonies
  • Drumming your soul: a goddess tradition
  • Deeper energy of “spells” and “enchantments”
  • Sacred art of renewal and relaxation
  • Learn how to read oracle cards
Sacred Purification

  • Trace and clear your female bloodline
  • Journey into past lives to clear blockages in your present life
  • Clear unneeded energy strands from your energy field
  • Learn powerful methods to space clear your home and environment
  • Discover how sound clearing, smudging can shift energy
  • Face your shadow
  • Awaken your warrior woman
  • Become a courageous woman
Initiation and Celebration

  • Initiate and celebrate your ecstatic life force
  • Secrets of feminine radiance and intuition
  • Embrace your sumptuous, sensuous self
  • Activate the glory and pleasure of being a woman
  • Understand sacred sexuality, embrace your sumptuous self
  • The art of adornment, nurture your body
  • Activate sparkling confidence, grace, and self-esteem
  • Learn about Mystic Cooking, Living a delicious life
  • Vibrant creativity: sacred dance, transformative writing, spirit art, integrative jewelry making, creating a medicine bag
The Quest

  • Participate in a Vision Quest
  • Hear the voice of the sacred divine feminine spirit
  • Find your true name
  • Renew and rebirth your life
  • Activate your inner wild woman
  • Vision seed your future
  • Shapeshifting
  • Sacred initiation into the Red Lotus Sisterhood

With a rich tapestry of information, inner journeys, activities, relaxation and meditations

you step into the timeless lore of the feminine experience

In addition to all of these experiences…

  • Become a certified Red Lotus Mystery School practitioner and teacher.
  • Be certified to lead ceremonies for life transitions (i.e. marriages, births, and deaths)
  • Learn how to do One-on-one coaching: Inner Journeys to the Mysteries of the Goddess

Some of the Red Lotus Mystery Courses you will be certified to teach:

  • Finding the Goddess Within
  • Discovering your Animal Ally
  • Vision Seeding Your Future
  • The Art and Power of Altar Making
  • Red Lotus Goddess Jewelry Making
  • Prayer Sticks and Miracle Boxes

Step into this Sacred sisterhood training with Denise. Train personally with her in this intimate class setting.

“The world desperately needs women who know how to travel between the worlds to bring back grace, power, authenticity and healing to our needful planet."

― Denise Linn

The Power of Radiance

from Denise Linn

I was in a jet-lagged stupor as I sat in a cramped economy seat on my third flight of the day. Kids were crying on either side of me, and a little boy behind me was relentlessly kicking my seat. I was miserable.

Then everything changed.

I felt her, before I saw her. Something in the atmosphere shifted. When I looked up from my tattered paperback, I watched as a slightly overweight, middle-aged woman seemed to glide down the aisle toward me. There was something special about her. As she came closer, the sounds of upset kids muffled, the stale airplane air seemed to turn into a breath of springtime, and I knew that everything… and I mean everything…was going to be okay. Just looking at this woman shifted something inside of me. A profound peace and relaxation filled me.

She wasn’t beautiful in the traditional sense of the word. Her looks were ordinary. Her clothing was ordinary. She wasn’t an angelic being … she was a real flesh and blood human. But something about her was luminous. She walked in a slow, unhurried, yet humble way. As she passed me, I could almost see the light that was emitting out of her. A wave of calmness washed over me. It felt as if she was a sacred guardian of an inner secret . . . and we were all basking in her light. This remarkable woman was exuding an energy that spoke of the alluring pleasure of just being alive. She seemed at once sensuous, liberated, and content. Quite simply, she was radiant.

Forever more, she will be my definition of radiance. I only saw her for a moment, but her light seemed to touch everyone on the plane. After she strolled by, I felt that I had been touched by grace.

As a culture we believe that radiance is something you can purchase in a jar of make-up, or gain by wearing particular clothing, or access by drinking green juices in the morning, or even that it is something someone is born with. But this is all an illusion. True radiance is an inner glow that is so bright that everyone around is affected by it. It is a kind of love that speaks of ancient wisdom, grace, and joy. It is authentic, real, and honest.

A woman who is truly radiant is filled with the abounding fecundity of the Universe. In the deepest sense, a radiant woman is receptive to the creative forces of the cosmos. She is receptive to the light of the Creator and illuminates the path for many with her light.

Seeing the ordinary, but remarkable, woman on the plane ignited a yearning for something that I didn’t know I was missing. It activated an ache to discover that place within myself wherein dwelled that quietly ecstatic divine feminine presence. It started me on a journey to delve even deeper into the mysteries of the goddess.

On this journey of the soul, I felt a kindred soul with the women of ancient times who entered into mystery schools where they discovered how to access and emanate true spiritual radiance. Through sacred practices and deep inner journeys they tapped into mysteries of the goddess within themselves. I eventually taught workshops in the 1980s called, “Initiation into the Mysteries of the Goddess.” I wrote a book called Secrets and Mysteries: the Glory and Pleasure of Being a Woman. I loved it all. As time went on, life took me in other directions. However, in the depth of my heart, I knew there would come a time when I would return to the hallowed journey of the sacred feminine

The time has finally arrived.

I am finally initiating a woman’s mystery school – called the Red Lotus Woman’s Mystery School – in which everything that I have learned and gained over the decades will be distilled into the teaching. My intent is that my school will be like the mystery schools of old, where magic – true magic – unfolds, and where we each step, even more, into our natural radiance.

It will be a joy and honor to have you join me at Star Mountain Ranch in Northern California. (Enrollment is limited to 12 people.)

"The world desperately needs women who know their worth . . . and who know how to travel between the worlds to bring back grace, power, authenticity and healing to our needful planet."

― Denise Linn